The Value of Human Requirements

The Value of Human Requirements

We may be unique individuals, yet we have a common set of six requirements for survival. If we don't meet these requirements, we won't be happy with our current situation, our life, and, eventually, with who we are. There is a direct correlation between each of these six requirements and your actions and, by extension, the kind of success you experience in life.


As a species, our primal urge is to feel safe and secure. This requirement can take numerous forms, including the desire for material safety, bodily wellbeing, or mental peace.

It's human nature to prioritize a sense of safety and stability over the satisfaction of any other desire. Your top priority should be getting to safety if, say, a tiger were chasing you. Then you'd have to focus on other issues, like obtaining food. assuming you weren't eaten first, of course!

The level of safety we accept varies from person to person, but most individuals prioritize ensuring their physical safety (by, for example, securing a place to reside) before focusing on their emotional or intellectual well-being. The desire for further safety may resurface at a later date.


After ensuring one's safety, the pursuit of comfort is the next logical step. Now that you have a place to call your own, you'll want to furnish and decorate it to make it a home. in order to make it a pleasant place to reside.

As a result, the need for comfort can be a potent driver of human action. Although this desire seldom arises until after you've established a sense of safety in your current situation,


When you've reached a satisfactory degree of safety and convenience, the pursuit of pleasure becomes your next priority. People value leisure time very highly, and hence their behavior is heavily motivated to attain it. Nonetheless, free time can sometimes be a burden.

Overvaluing leisure can lead people to neglect other demands, such as motivation and hard work. On the other hand, people may become extremely busy so that they can take time off to relax and enjoy themselves.


The need to be loved is so powerful that it can motivate people to act in irrational ways. Everyone seeks and gives their all for love. Without love, we feel lonely, and our self-image decreases.


Everyone longs to be regarded as worthy of esteem. As kids, we try to outdo each other in order to win the approval of our peers; as adults, we continue this trend, albeit in more subtle ways.

Respect helps a person feel significant and valuable. To doubt your own value and significance in the absence of respect is to live in a constant state of anxiety.


Without purpose, you will lack direction and meaning in life. Purpose is something you believe you were put on this earth to do.It's what you're here for and what keeps you going.

Though it may be difficult for many people, having a sense of meaning in one's life is arguably the single most powerful source of inspiration and motivation.

The Importance of Satisfying Our Basic Human Requirements

People share the same fundamental need for survival. However, we are all different in how we choose to meet those requirements. It's possible that safety, ease, and relaxation are all that some individuals need to be fulfilled. While some people try to meet every desire they have,

Those who focus on satisfying a limited number of wants tend to find a great deal of happiness in one area, such as physical comfort. Unfortunately, this is impacted by unhappiness in other areas, such as safety.

For instance, if you don't care about anything except your comfort and never bother to get work, you'll never feel safe since you'll never be able to afford the necessities of life. Therefore, in order to achieve true pleasure and contentment in life, it is vital to work on fulfilling all your basic requirements.

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