Laughter in the name of advertising

Laughter in the name of advertising

It often surprises me how many aspiring marketers begin their careers by prioritizing financial success over personal fulfillment.

If we're being honest, nobody cares about the money itself; we care about what we can do with the money.

It would be terrible to have a lot of money but despise your work. (Laughably, at least it's not as bad as failing to make money and remaining unhappy.)

If it doesn't sit well with you, don't do it, and don't assume that your customers will either.

Doing what makes you happy and your day brighter is likely to have the same effect on your coworkers, members, subscribers, customers, grandkids, spouse, mother-in-law, and everyone else you come into contact with.

Making yourself happy is the first order of business, and once you've figured out how to get what you really want and need, you can easily apply those lessons to your customers.

If you could have anything, what would it be?

Simply use your ingenuity and adaptability to go after what you want or create it for yourself. Then, you must determine what it is that your clients want most. Do you have customers who are looking at drills on your website for hardware?

Just what are their true motivations?

A hole!

So, you should have a few different options for punching holes. The question is, what will go there? I don't see any gaps. I'm curious as to the required quantity of holes.

Now that I can anticipate future interactions and potential upsells, this is where the fun really begins.

The first click of a drill may lead to repeat orders for the materials necessary to construct anything from houses to boats to birdhouses to, well, the house of your dreams.

I won't go into detail about how to discover what it is that your consumers really want since I know that you're the kind of person who takes the initiative to learn about tools like surveys, auto-responders, and list builders and uses them to your advantage.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you can't make your consumers happy if you aren't happy yourself.

Internet marketing may take you from being down on your knees to wanting to do a happy dance one minute to being the most humbling and disheartening experience of your life the next.

Our generation, including mine and the majority of Americans, was born and reared in the here and now.

The sooner it can be provided, the better, and it must be simple to implement.

Does that ever occur?

However, this is rarely the case, and it's the main source of stress for new marketers.

Know that it will require effort and time, but that the end result can be straightforward.

If you master the tried-and-true sales techniques and fundamentals of marketing, which are unlikely to change much over time, and stick to your game plan, marketing will become second nature and straightforward.

What do I do when I feel like I'm up against an immovable obstacle and no amount of effort I put in will ever pay off?

My advice is to ramp up the battle, beef up the defenses, and make the most of your most powerful weapon—your mind—to fool yourself or to convince yourself that things are better than they actually are.

The human brain is an incredible machine, designed in such a way that it will cause us to experience exactly what we focus on.

You can only feel one pleasant or unpleasant feeling at a time, which is a wonderful thing about your mind.

Naturally, negative feelings are bad for business, but your mind will give you whatever you ask for; in the case presented above, if you consider marketing to be difficult, then it will feel difficult to you.

Trust me, if you're feeling like banging your head against the wall, you'd better avoid it, because you'll be needing Band-Aids before you know it, and all that negative emotion will bring everything to a screeching halt.

It's very easy for you to alter all of that and start thinking more constructively.

Do something! Take any step.

There is no such thing as a "negative" action; even the most insignificant or absurd one can have a positive outcome.

Not convinced?

If you anticipate my launching into some psychobabble, then try this.

Get out of your seat, turn around while wildly waving your arms and shaking your head, and shout, "Shouting!" I feel better than I have in days, and this guy is the reason why.

Do it now.

Now that you're smiling—and I know you are because it's physically impossible for your mind to accept negative and positive emotions at the same time—and because, as I said, "Any action is positive," you can easily apply this method to the situation described in the previous paragraph.

Say to yourself, "This is so easy because I have a step-by-step plan," instead of "Marketing is hard."

Instead of thinking, "I'll never make it," try thinking, "Wow, this is going just as planned, and I'm so thrilled that so many people are holding my money and just waiting for me to ask them for it."

When you feel yourself starting to feel down, it's important to take some kind of action, even if it's as simple as making your bed, reading an article, writing an article, or petting the dog or wrestling with the dog. The important thing is to not stay down and to not allow your life to slow down or stop.

Put a mirror in front of your computer and tell yourself you've earned a reward if you market with a grin.

What we ponder, articulate, and enact defines us. I'm feeling terrific; how about yourself?

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